In the 2004 drama series “Dr. House M.D.”, Dr. Remy Beauregard Hadley was a major character from the fourth season onwards. She is best and commonly known as “Thirteen” due to her number card during eliminations for the fellowship when she was a job applicant at the beginning of Season Four.

Though Dr. Hadley maintains a general refusal to discuss personal matters in most situations, it was confirmed that she was bisexual. Thirteen suffered from a genetic condition called Huntington’s Chorea, a recurring plot during her tenure on the show. Her mother and brother both died from the illness (with Thirteen respecting her brother’s wishes by euthanizing him), and Thirteen generally showed she was scared about losing control of her body, but she didn’t allow it to hold her back.

I would like to present her in the form of Lego Mosaic art. I hope you like my production! 😊

This Lego Mosaic Pictures can be built by the Lego official set, Lego Art: Elvis Presley “The King” (Lego 31204).

在 2004 年的電視劇《醫神》/《豪斯醫生》中,向惠美醫生(Dr. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley)從第四季開始就是主角。當她在第四季開始時作為求職者時,她的表現最好,通常被稱為“十三”,因為這是她在求職淘汰賽中的號碼。


這幅樂高積木馬賽克畫像,可以用官方套裝:「貓王」(Lego 31204)的零件砌出。

Lego 31204
Elvis Presley “The King”

You may also go to the Opensea market to purchase the 3D version of this Lego Mosaic Art Picture.