In the 1990 movie “Edward Scissorhands”, Edward was made by a very old inventor. His inventor gave him everything but one thing: hands. Sadly, the inventor died before Edward could be completed. Seventeen years later, an Avon lady named Peg Boggs finds Edward and brings him to a colourful land called Suburbia. Edward shows his true talent by cutting hair, grooming pets, making beautiful ice and topiary sculptures. Most of the neighbourhood grows to accept and love the strange newcomer, but his innocent morals and unusually kind nature makes it clear that he does not fit in within the ‘normal’ world. However, a series of confusions lead the town to alienate him as a dangerous outsider. At the end, Edward goes back to his lonely castle home.
I would like to present him in the form of Lego Mosaic art. I hope you like my production! 😊
This Lego Mosaic Pictures can be built by the Lego official set, Lego Art: Elvis Presley “The King” (Lego 31204).
After online paying with the credit card through PayPal, you will receive a link to the LEGO instruction, and you can download the LEGO instruction book as many times as you want.
1. The instruction only provides the building steps of the mosaic picture. As for the frame, please refer to the official LEGO instruction of Lego Elvis Presley “The King” (Lego 31204).
2. The fee does not include any LEGO bricks and related parts, please purchase additional LEGO brick sets for building.
3. If there is any problem with PayPal payment, you can email, we may provide you with a PayPal invoice to ensure the valid transaction.
4. The price of this design is counted in USD$.
在 1990 年的電影《幻海奇緣》/《剪刀手愛德華》中,愛德華是由一位年老的發明家製造的。發明家給了他一切,但卻未曾給予他一雙手。可悲的是,發明家在愛德華完成之前就去世了。十七年後,一位名叫 Peg Boggs 的女士找到了愛德華,並將他帶到了一個名為 Suburbia 的色彩繽紛的地方。愛德華通過剪頭髮、美容寵物、製作漂亮的冰和修剪雕塑來展示他的才華。附近的大多數人逐漸接受並愛上了這個陌生人,但他天真無邪和異常善良的天性,導致他不適合這個「正常」的世界。然而,一連串的誤會令小鎮居民疏遠他,認為他是一個危險人物。最後,愛德華回到了他孤獨的城堡家。
這幅樂高積木馬賽克畫像,可以用官方套裝:「貓王」(Lego 31204)的零件砌出。
1. 說明書只提供畫作部分的拼砌方法,至於框架,則請閣下參閱樂高官方說明書。
2. 費用不包括樂高積木及相關零件,請額外購買拼砌所需用的樂高積木套裝。
3. 如遇見PayPal付款出現問題,閣下可以電郵elhubhk@gmail.com查詢,我們可以為閣下提供PayPal發票,確保交易順利完成。
4. 這套設計的價格以美金計算。
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