The iconic character, John Wick, who is acted by Keanu Reeves, is no. one hitman in the movie. I would like to present him in the form of Lego Mosaic. I hope you like my product! 😊

由奇洛·里維斯(Keanu Reeves)扮演的經典人物約翰·域克(John Wick)是電影中的一名頂尖殺手。我希望以樂高馬賽克的形式呈現他。希望閣下喜歡這份作品! 😊

This Lego Mosaic Pictures can be built by the Lego official set, Lego Art: Elvis Presley “The King” (Lego 31204). 
這幅樂高積木馬賽克畫像,可以用官方套裝:「貓王」(Lego 31204)的零件砌出。

Lego 31204
Elvis Presley “The King”

You may also go to the Opensea market to purchase the 3D version of this Lego Mosaic Art Picture.