Lego Mosaic Art – Dr. Allison Cameron
In the 2004 drama series “Dr. House M.D.”, Dr. Allison Cameron was a member of Gregory House’s diagnostic team during the first three seasons in the position of a fellow in Diagnostic Medicine. She was qualified as a specialist in immunology. She was the youngest member of House’s original diagnostic team and the only female member. After Cameron left House’s diagnostic team, she returned in the season four premiere as the senior emergency room attending physician at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. At the end of Season 5, she married Robert Chase. However, in Season 6, Cameron leaves PPTH, House and Chase. She guest-starred once in the Season 6 episode Lockdown, where she returns to ask Chase to sign the divorce papers and finally settles the outstanding issues in their relationship. She is seen in the series finale Everybody Dies both as a hallucination telling House that it’s okay for him to die to end his pain, and in real life at House’s funeral.
I would like to present her in the form of Lego Mosaic art. I hope you like my production! 
This Lego Mosaic Pictures can be built by the Lego official set, Lego Art: Elvis Presley “The King” (Lego 31204).
在 2004 年的電視劇《醫神》/《豪斯醫生》中,甘毅齡醫生(Dr. Allison Cameron)在前三季中是侯國基醫生(Dr. Gregory House)診斷團隊的成員,擔任診斷醫學研究員。她獲得了免疫學專家的資格。她是侯國基醫生最初的診斷團隊中最年輕的成員,也是唯一的女性。甘毅齡醫生離開侯國基醫生的診斷團隊後,她在第四季首播中以普林斯頓・普蘭斯伯勒教學醫院的高級急診室主治醫生的身份回歸。在第五季結束時,她嫁給了程偉邦醫生(Dr. Robert Chase)。然而,在第六季,甘毅齡醫生離開了PPTH、侯國基醫生和程偉邦醫生。她在第六季的劇集「封鎖」(Lockdown)中客串了一次,回來請程偉邦醫生簽署離婚文件,最終解決了他們關係中的懸而未決的問題。她在系列結局「每個人都會死」(Everybody Dies)中出現,既是一種幻覺,告訴侯國基醫生,他可以以死去結束他的痛苦,在現實生活中也出現在侯國基醫生的葬禮上。
這幅樂高積木馬賽克畫像,可以用官方套裝:「貓王」(Lego 31204)的零件砌出。
Lego 31204
Elvis Presley “The King”