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Vanya Hargreeves

Viktor Hargreeves

In the Netflix TV drama, “The Umbrella Academy“, formerly known as Vanya Hargreeves and originally designated as Number SevenViktor Hargreeves originally designated as Number Seven, is one of the forty-three children who were all born on the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989 to mothers without any previous signs of pregnancy. The baby was one of seven kids adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves with the intention of training them to save the world. Unlike his six adoptive siblings, Viktor seemingly had no superpowers. He had a talent for violin, and when he was an adult wrote an autobiography about his life as the ordinary member of the Umbrella Academy.

However, Viktor’s life was a lie. He not only possessed powers but, ironically, was arguably the most powerful of the entire academy. Early on, Sir Reginald discovered that his emotions were linked to his ability to harness sound and convert it into energy. Despite trying to teach him to control them, he deemed Viktor’s powers to be too great and destructive to ever be let out. As a result, Sir Reginald worked to cover them up and suppress them. He was placed on medication to suppress his emotional state, and Sir Reginald made his sister, Allison, convince him that he was ordinary by using his own power to subtly alter reality by lying.

Viktor learned the truth about his powers when Leonard Peabody came across Sir Reginald’s journal and manipulated him to gain revenge on the Academy. After all the revelations and the way he was treated by his family, Viktor’s powers became fully unleashed and, in his subsequent rampage, he incidentally triggered the apocalypse.

I would like to present her / him in the form of Lego Mosaic art. I hope you like my design! 😊

This Lego Mosaic Pictures can be built by the Lego official set, Lego Art: Elvis Presley “The King” (Lego 31204). 

在Netflix電視劇《雨傘學院》裡,維克多・哈里格斯(Viktor Hargreeves),從前名叫凡妮亞・哈里格斯(Vanya Hargreeves),最初被指定為 7 號,是 1989 年 10 月第一天 12 小時出生的 43 個孩子之一,母親之前沒有任何懷孕跡象。這個嬰兒是雷金納德・哈格里斯爵士(Sir Reginald Hargreeves)收養的七個孩子之一,目的是訓練他們拯救世界。與他的六個收養兄弟姐妹不同,維克多似乎沒有超能力。他有小提琴天賦,成年後寫了一本自傳,講述了他作為傘學院普通成員的生活。

當倫納德·皮博迪(Leonard Peabody)偶然發現雷金納德爵士的日記並操縱他向學院報仇時,維克多得知了他的力量的真相。在所有的揭露和他的家人對待她的方式之後,維克多的力量得到了充分釋放,在他隨後的狂暴中,偶然觸發了世界末日。

我希望以樂高馬賽克的形式呈現她/他。希望閣下喜歡這份作品! 😊

這幅樂高積木馬賽克畫像,可以用官方套裝:「貓王」(Lego 31204)的零件砌出。

Lego 31204
Elvis Presley “The King”

You may also go to the Opensea market to purchase the 3D version of this Lego Mosaic Art Picture.