Lego Mosaic Art – Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman)
Léon the Professional, is a classical action movie in 1994. Norman Stansfield, portrayed by Gary Oldman, the corrupt and mentally unhinged Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent has been named as one of cinema’s greatest villains.
I would like to present him in the form of Lego Mosaic art. I hope you like my production! 😊
《這個殺手不太冷》(Léon the Professional)是一部1994年的經典動作片。由加利·奧文 (Gary Oldman) 飾演的諾文·斯坦菲爾德(Norman Stansfield)是一名腐敗且精神錯亂的緝毒局(DEA)特工,被評為電影中最偉大的反派之一。