Lego Mosaic Art – Ginji Kyuma 久間欣治 (Tomohisa Yamashita 山下智久)
Ginji Kyuma, also known as
K, in the Netflix Japanese TV Drama “Alice in Borderland”, is a band frontman and the King of Clubs, who is challenged by Arisu’s group in the game “Osmosis.”I would like to present him in the form of Lego Mosaic art. I hope you like my design! 😊
This Lego Mosaic Pictures can be built by the Lego official set, Lego Art: Elvis Presley “The King” (Lego 31204).
久間欣治 (Ginji Kyuma),在Netflix日本電視劇《今際之國的有栖》,即是「
4「RUN AWAY」的策劃人。在遊戲
K「計數」過程中,以其超然灑脫的性格影響到有栖,甚至讓對方對自己萌生出興趣與敬仰。其後被有栖以竜田的犧牲為契機反將一軍而輸掉,在死之前被有栖發現他曾經是「玩家」的身份,反過來安慰有栖只需找到自己的出路便行。最後被飛船上的雷射射下GAME OVER。我希望以樂高馬賽克的形式呈現他,希望閣下喜歡這份作品!
這幅樂高積木馬賽克畫像,可以用官方套裝:「貓王」(Lego 31204)的零件砌出。
Lego 31204
Elvis Presley “The King”