Lego Mosaic Art – Dr Gregory House
In the 2004 drama series “Dr. House M.D.”, Dr Gregory House is a brilliant diagnostician, who is given medical cases that no other doctors can resolve. Through controversial and radical methods, he studies his patients’ symptoms until he finally discovers what disease they suffer from. He usually makes at least two wrong diagnostics before making the correct one; putting his patients through hell and near death.
In terms of character, House is irascible, rude, misanthropic, selfish, and an incredible jerk. He limps because of an injured leg and walks with a cane, and takes Vicodin to ease the pain. House has few friends, the best being Dr. James Wilson, and his boss Lisa Cuddy. He is very annoying to his medical team because of his constant involvement in their private lives, and he often makes very inventive pranks to get what he wants. His catchphrase is “Everybody lies”, showing how misanthropic he is. While overly rude and disrespectful, House isn’t actually a bad person. He always tries to save his patients (though it is shown that he cares mostly about identifying the disease) and when going too far, he can show remorse and even try to make amends. Despite being an incorrigible jerk, House saves many lives thanks to his diagnostics.
The character of Gregory House is widely inspired by Sherlock Holmes.
I would like to present him in the form of Lego Mosaic art. I hope you like my production! 
This Lego Mosaic Pictures can be built by the Lego official set, Lego Art: Elvis Presley “The King” (Lego 31204).
在 2004 年的電視劇《醫神》/《豪斯醫生》中,侯國基醫生這個角色,其實是受到了福爾摩斯的啟發而塑造出來。
侯國基醫生(Dr. Gregory House)是一位出色的診斷專家,他專門為其他醫生無法解決的醫療案例作鑑別診斷。通過有爭議的激進方法,他研究患者的症狀,直到最終發現他們患有什麼疾病。在做出正確的診斷之前,他通常至少會做出兩次錯誤的診斷;讓他的病人經歷地獄和瀕臨死亡。 就性格而言,侯國基醫生脾氣暴躁、粗魯、厭惡人類、自私和令人難以置信的混蛋。他因腿受傷而跛行,拄著拐杖走路,並服用維寇碇來緩解疼痛。侯國基醫生的朋友很少,最好的朋友是韋志誠醫生和他的老闆古麗珊醫生。他對他的醫療團隊非常過火,因為他經常參與他們的私人生活,而且他經常為了得到他想要的東西而做出非常有創意的惡作劇。他的口號是「每個人都在說謊」,可見他是多麼厭惡人類。雖然過於粗魯和不尊重,但侯國基醫生實際上並不是一個壞人。他總是試圖拯救他的病人(儘管這表明他最關心的是識別疾病),當走得太遠時,他會表現出悔意,甚至試圖彌補。儘管是一個不可救藥的混蛋,但由於他的診斷,侯國基醫生挽救了許多生命。
這幅樂高積木馬賽克畫像,可以用官方套裝:「貓王」(Lego 31204)的零件砌出。
Lego 31204
Elvis Presley “The King”